Tendonitis - Preventing tendonitis
Resting the affected area can stop tendonitis getting worse. Strengthening the muscles around the tendon can help prevent it reoccurring.
Repetitive movements
Avoid repetitive movements of the affected area. If this is not possible, at least make sure that you rest regularly.
If you have tendonitis and your job involves repetitive movements, ask your employer to provide rest periods and different duties for you.
It may be possible to move your computer keyboard or mouse into a more comfortable position to avoid repetitive strain injury (RSI).
Read more about preventing RSI.
Exercising the affected area will strengthen the muscles around the tendon and help prevent further problems. A physiotherapist will be able to advise you about the best stretching and strengthening exercises to do.
If you play a lot of sport or you exercise regularly, you can try to prevent tendonitis by warming up and cooling down properly before and afterwards.
Read about how to warm up before exercising and how to stretch after exercising.
If a particular sporting activity has caused tendonitis in the past, you may be able to make changes to prevent it occurring in the future. For example, you may need to use different equipment or ask a coach for advice about altering your technique.
Read more about sports injuries.

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