Scurvy is a rare condition that can develop if you don't have enough vitamin C in your diet.
Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) is vital for the body as it is needed to make collagen. Collagen is a type of protein found in many different types of tissue, such as skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage (which covers the surface of joints).
Without vitamin C, collagen can't be replaced and the different types of tissue break down, leading to symptoms of scurvy, including:
- muscle and joint pain
- tiredness
- the appearance of red dots on the skin
- bleeding and swelling of the gums
Read more about the symptoms of scurvy.
Vitamin C
Unlike some other types of vitamins, the human body is unable to make vitamin C. Therefore, all the vitamin C that the body needs has to come from a person’s diet.
The best way to prevent scurvy is to eat a healthy, balanced diet that contains plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Read more about preventing scurvy.
Who is affected by scurvy?
People tend to think that scurvy is a disease of the past because our diet and standard of living has improved over the years.
However, although rare, vitamin C deficiency can still be a problem for certain groups of people, including:
- elderly people who are unable to maintain a healthy diet
- people who smoke, or have a dependency on alcohol or drugs
- people on a low income
Read more about the causes of scurvy.
Treating scurvy
Your doctor can usually diagnose scurvy by examining your symptoms and asking about your diet. They may also carry out a blood test to measure the level of vitamin C in your blood.
Treatment for scurvy is relatively straightforward. It involves taking vitamin C supplements and eating food that's high in vitamin C. This should quickly reverse the harmful symptoms of scurvy.
The fact that a person has scurvy in the first place is usually a sign that they're vulnerable or living a chaotic lifestyle. Therefore, referral to a dietician, social worker or mental healthcare professional may be required to prevent further episodes of scurvy or other problems linked to malnutrition.
Read more about treating scurvy.

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