Postnatal depression - Causes of postnatal depression

The cause of postnatal depression isn't completely clear. Most experts think it's the result of a combination of factors.

These may include:

  • depression during pregnancy
  • a difficult delivery
  • lack of support at home
  • relationship worries
  • money problems
  • having no close family or friends around you
  • physical health problems following the birth, such as urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control), or persistent pain from an episiotomy scar or a forceps delivery

Even if you don't have any of these problems and your pregnancy and labour is straightforward, having a baby can be a stressful and life-changing event that can sometimes trigger depression.

People often assume they'll naturally adapt to parenthood overnight. However, it can take months before you begin to cope with the pressures of being a new parent. This is true even for those who already have children.

In addition, some babies are more difficult and demanding than others and don't settle so easily. This can lead to exhaustion and stress.

Who's at risk

Factors that can increase your risk of experiencing postnatal depression include having:

  • a family history of depression or postnatal depression (genetics appears to play a role in both of these conditions but exactly how is still unclear)
  • previously experiencing depression, postnatal depression or other mood disorders

The role of hormones

It was once thought that huge changes in hormone levels during and after pregnancy were the sole cause of postnatal depression. This is no longer thought to be the case, although changes in hormone levels may still play a part.

One theory is that some women are more sensitive to the effects of falling hormone levels after they've given birth. All mothers will experience hormonal changes but only some mothers will be affected emotionally.

It's possible that this, as well as the stress of looking after a baby or money problems, may trigger the depression.

Depression is when you have feelings of extreme sadness, despair or inadequacy that last for a long time.
Incontinence is when you pass urine (urinal incontinence), stools or gas (faecal incontinence), because you cannot control your bladder or bowels.

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