Metatarsalgia - Diagnosing metatarsalgia
If you've tried the self-care techniques for treating metatarsalgia but your symptoms have not got better, see your GP.
They can arrange a number of tests to check for any underlying problems that may be causing the symptoms.
These may include:
- blood tests – this can be helpful for diagnosing conditions such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis
- X-rays – this can check for any fractures that may have occurred in the bones of your feet
- ultrasound scans – where high-frequency sound waves are used to build up a picture of your foot; ultrasound scans can often be useful in diagnosing bursitis, Morton's neuroma or joint conditions
Your GP may also refer you to a foot specialist (podiatrist), who will examine your foot and may ask you:
- about your medical history, lifestyle, footwear and hobbies
- where and when the pain occurs
- when the pain started
- how often the pain happens
- whether the pain is getting worse
- whether you have pain anywhere else
They may also analyse your gait (the way you walk) on a treadmill or pressure plate to find areas of high pressure on the foot.
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