Knee replacement - 'My knees are 100% better and I haven't looked back'
- Introduction
- Why knee replacement is necessary
- Before the operation
- What happens during knee replacement surgery
- Risks of surgery
- Recovering from a knee replacement
- 'My knees are 100% better and I haven't looked back'
Janet Collins has had both her knees replaced and can walk much better than before.
“I have severe arthritis and had been in a lot of pain with my knees for some time. They were very swollen too. I went to the hospital and had an X-ray and the doctor suggested a knee replacement.
"I had my left knee done in 2002 and my right in 2004. I was quite nervous before the first operation, but the consultant came down to greet me and held my hand. The operation went well and the next day the physiotherapist helped me to lift my leg up and bend it slightly. After that, I got up and had a walking frame. I was out of hospital within a week. The operation affected my sciatic nerve, which was very painful at first, but it gradually got better.
“When I had my right knee done, I was in hospital for three weeks because doctors thought I had a blood clot. Thankfully I didn’t. Since then I haven’t looked back. I'm disabled and use a wheelchair or scooter, but I am much more able to go about with just my sticks, whereas before I would have used a frame.
“I can’t kneel on the bed or the floor because it feels strange. They do click, but you get used to that. I exercise for five minutes every morning and evening. I would say my knees are 100% better than they were before. I would recommend the operation to anyone.”

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