Insulin-dependent diabetes - "It affects African-Caribbean people and Asian people severely"
- Introduction
- Symptoms of type 1 diabetes
- Causes of type 1 diabetes
- Diagnosing type 1 diabetes
- Treating type 1 diabetes
- Complications caused by diabetes
- Living with type 1 diabetes
- "I thought everyone at school would think I was injecting drugs"
- "I feel blessed that I’ve had this operation and it’s worked well"
- "It affects African-Caribbean people and Asian people severely"
- "After the shock, I took control"
- Areyouatrisk
- Lookingafteryourfeet
- Losingweight
- Chickencasserole
- Children
- Dahlcurry
- Education
- Eggsbendict
- Granola
- Livingwellwithdiabetes
- Pregnancy
- QuestionstoAskpage
- Recipes
- Selfhelp
- Superfoodcouscous
- Thaisalad
- Treatmentfinal
- Glucoselevels
Nurse consultant in diabetes, Grace Vanterpool MBE, talks about her work supporting people with diabetes and raising awareness of the condition.

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