Hay fever - Complications of hay fever
- Introduction
- Symptoms of hay fever
- Causes of hay fever
- Diagnosing hay fever
- Treating hay fever
- Complications of hay fever
- Preventing hay fever
- Lisa's story
- Expertview
Hay fever can lead to complications such as sinusitis and middle ear infections (otitis media). Hay fever can also have a significant impact on your daily activities.
In one study, a third of adults with hay fever reported that their symptoms had a considerable negative impact on their work, home and social life.
Children's symptoms can disrupt their schooling and lead to delays in learning and development.
In most cases, the negative impact can be reduced by receiving effective treatment. If you are concerned that hay fever is becoming more and more of a problem in your (or your child’s) life then contact your GP.
Also make extra efforts to limit exposure to pollen. Read more about preventing hay fever.
Infection of the sinuses (small, air-filled cavities behind your cheekbones and forehead) is a complication of hay fever.
This is called sinusitis and can cause pain and tenderness in the face (near the affected sinuses). You may experience a throbbing pain that is worse when you move your head, and toothache or pain in your jaw when you eat.
The swelling of the nasal passages that happens in hay fever can prevent mucus from draining out of the sinuses. This can make them more vulnerable to infection.
Sinusitis can usually be treated using over-the-counter painkillers. If symptoms persist then antibiotics and corticosteroid tablets or sprays may be required.
Read more about treating sinusitis.
Middle ear infection (otitis media)
Hay fever can lead to a middle ear infection if the Eustachian tube (a thin tube that runs from the middle ear to the back of the nose) becomes blocked by a build up of mucus.
This is more common in children as their Eustachian tube is smaller than an adult's.
Most middle ear infections will clear up within 72 hours without the need for treatment. Further treatment is usually only necessary if ear infections keep on occurring.
Read more about treating a middle ear infection.

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