Gestational diabetes - Testing your glucose levels
- Introduction
- Causes of gestational diabetes
- Diagnosing gestational diabetes
- Treating gestational diabetes
- Complications of gestational diabetes
- wwwnhsukConditionsgestational-diabetesPagesSymptomsaspx
- Symptoms of gestational diabetes
- httpwinauthnhsukConditionsgestational-diabetesPagesDiabetes-blood-testingaspx
- Testing your glucose levels
You can monitor your own blood glucose levels using a simple finger prick test or a urine test.
Finger prick testing
This is what you will need to do it independently:
- blood testing strips
- blood glucose meter
- finger pricking device
- lancets
- blood glucose monitoring diary
- sharps box for disposal of sharps
These are available from your GP or hospital.
- Before doing a finger prick test, make sure you have all your equipment in a clean dry place.
- Wash your hands and rinse well with warm water (dirty hands can contaminate a blood sample and give an inaccurate result).
- Choose your finger and massage it to improve blood circulation.
- Pricking the fleshy part of your finger can hurt. Instead prick the side of the finger away from the thumb. Squeeze your finger gently to obtain a drop of blood.
- Apply the drop of blood to the testing strip. The meter will automatically read the result.
- Note the result in your diary.

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