Deafblindness - Treating or managing deafblindness
- Introduction
- Symptoms of deafblindness
- Causes of deafblindness
- Diagnosing hearing and vision problems
- Treating or managing deafblindness
Most cases of deafblindness present at birth (congenital) can't be treated. In certain cases, it may be possible to treat acquired deafblindness.
A child with congenital deafblindness will have their hearing and sight assessed by a trained specialist at an early age.
A total loss of hearing and vision is rare. How much a deafblind person can hear or see will determine the level of care and support they need.
People who are born deafblind will have little or no means of communication and a limited understanding of the world. This is because they've never had the opportunity to hear, see, or interact with what's going on around them.
People who acquire deafblindness may be able to remember hearing and seeing things and are more likely to have had access to language learning.
This means that communication methods used by deafblind people will vary greatly depending on the type of deafblindness they have and their level of hearing and vision.
Individual care plan
As part of the assessment, the specialist will identify the person's individual needs and requirements which will form a key part of their care plan. The care plan will aim to:
- preserve and maximise any remaining sensory functions that the person has
- teach them alternative communication methods such as the deafblind manual alphabet (see below)
- help them to retain as much independence as possible – for example, by recommending they receive training to use a long cane or guide dog
Identifying a deafblind child's level of hearing and sight at an early age is vital to ensure their health, social and educational needs are met. The child's care and education will form an important part of their overall care strategy from early childhood to adulthood.
Communication systems
There are several communication systems used by deafblind people. Some are described below.
Deafblind manual alphabet
The deafblind manual alphabet is a tactile form of communication. Words are spelt onto the deafblind person's hand, using set positions and movement, such as touching the tip of their thumb with your index finger to spell the letter 'A'.
Block alphabet
The block alphabet is a simple tactile form of communication where a word is spelt out in capital letters that are drawn onto the deafblind person's palm.
Hands-on signing
Hands-on signing is a communication method that uses an adapted version of British Sign Language (BSL). The deafblind person feels what is being signed by placing their hands on top of the signer's hand.
Visual frame signing
Visual frame signing is another communication method that uses an adapted version of BSL. The signs are adapted to be signed in a smaller space to match the position and size of a deafblind person's remaining sight.
Hands-on signing and visual frame signing are often used by people with Usher syndrome after their vision has started to deteriorate, as they usually have BSL as their first language.
Braille and Moon
Braille uses a series of raised dots to represent letters or groups of letters. There are a wide range of Braille publications, as well as specially designed computers that allow you to type and print Braille documents.
Moon is a similar communication system to Braille, but rather than using dots it uses adapted capital letters that are simpler to feel.
Vision aids
In some cases of deafblindess, it may be possible to improve a person's vision using low vision aids, such as glasses, magnifying lenses and task lights. Specially designed items, such as telephones and keyboards, may also be beneficial to someone who is visually impaired.
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) provides information about specially designed equipment to help with everyday tasks, including writing equipment, kitchen equipment and audio description (for describing television programmes).
Most computers have settings for people with reduced vision. Free software can also be downloaded from Browsealoud that reads aloud the text of speech-enabled websites. Most public information sites are speech enabled.
Many libraries stock a selection of large-print books and 'talking books', where the text is read aloud and recorded onto a CD. The RNIB also offer a talking book subscription service, where books can be ordered and delivered directly to your home for a small annual fee.
Hearing aids and implants
A person's hearing can often be improved by using a hearing aid. Hearing aids use a microphone to pick up sound and an amplifier to make it louder.
Various types of hearing aids are available to suit different types of hearing loss. An audiologist (hearing specialist) will be able to recommend the most suitable type after testing your hearing.
Read more about hearing aids and cochlea implants.
Treatable conditions
Some conditions that affect hearing and vision can be treated using medication or surgery. For example:
- cataracts can often be treated by surgically implanting an artificial lens in the eye; read more about cataract surgery
- glaucoma can often be treated using eyedrops and laser surgery; read more about treating glaucoma
- diabetic retinopathy can be treated in the early stages using laser surgery; read more about treating diabetic retinopathy
Accumulated earwax is one of the most common causes of hearing loss and can often be easily treated with ear drops.
Hearing loss caused by a middle ear infection (otitis media) can usually be treated with antibiotics. Read more about treating otitis media.

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