Colostomy - Recovering from a colostomy
- Introduction
- Why a colostomy is used
- How a colostomy is performed
- Recovering from a colostomy
- Complications of a colostomy
- Living with a colostomy
- Colostomy reversal
After a colostomy is formed, you will need to stay in hospital for a few days while you recover.
When you wake up after the operation, you may be attached to several different devices, including:
- a drip into your vein which provides fluids (an intravenous drip)
- a tube inserted into your bladder to remove urine (a catheter)
- an oxygen mask or nasal tubes (cannula), to help you breathe
These will be removed as you recover from the surgery.
A colostomy bag will be placed over the opening in your abdomen (called a stoma). This will be clear so the stoma can be easily monitored and easily drained when it starts working. This first bag is often larger than normal colostomy bags and it is usually replaced with a smaller bag before you go home.
Stoma nurse
While you are recovering in hospital, a stoma nurse will teach you how to care for your stoma, including how to empty and change the pouch.
They will teach you how to keep your stoma and surrounding skin clean and free from irritation and will also give you advice and treatment should you develop an infection.
The nurse will explain the different types of equipment available and how you go about getting new supplies. See living with a colostomy for more information.
When you leave hospital you will be seen by a stoma nurse at home that works in your area. This may be the same stoma nurse you saw in hospital.
Going home
Most people are well enough to leave hospital 3-10 days after the operation, depending on the type of operation you had.
It's important to avoid any strenuous activities at home that could place a strain on your abdomen, such as lifting heavy objects. Your stoma nurse will give you advice about resuming such activities.
In the first few weeks after your operation, you may find that you experience excessive flatulence (gas), and that the discharge from your stoma is unpredictable. However, this should start to improve as your bowel recovers from the effects of the operation.

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