Cataract surgery - When cataract surgery is offered
- Introduction
- When cataract surgery is offered
- How cataract surgery is performed
- Recovering from cataract surgery
- Risks of cataract surgery
- 'My eyesight is incredible. I can see brilliant colours again'
Cataract surgery is usually offered on the NHS if you have cataracts that are affecting your ability to carry out daily activities.
For example, surgery may be offered if problems with your vision are causing difficulties reading, driving or looking after someone under your care.
In the past, people with cataracts were encouraged to wait until they could hardly see. These days, surgery to remove a cataract can be done at any stage once your ability to function is affected.
There are no national guidelines stating what your level of vision needs to be before cataract surgery is carried out, although individual NHS clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) may have their own criteria outlining when cataract surgery should be offered.
In some cases, cataract surgery may be recommended if you have another eye condition that cannot be monitored or treated properly while you have cataracts, such as diabetic retinopathy.
Waiting to have surgery
Cataracts tend to get gradually worse over time, although it is not possible to predict how quickly this will happen.
Most people will need surgery eventually, but immediate treatment may not be necessary if your vision is not significantly affected.
It does not become more difficult to remove a cataract if you decide to wait before having surgery.
If immediate treatment isn't necessary or you decide to wait before having surgery, other measures may be helpful in the meantime, such as:
- new glasses
- brighter lighting
- anti-glare sunglasses
- magnifying lenses
There are no medications, eye drops or dietary supplements that have been proven to improve cataracts or stop them getting worse.

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