Broken hip - Symptoms of a hip fracture
- Introduction
- Symptoms of a hip fracture
- Causes of a hip fracture
- Diagnosing a hip fracture
- Treating a hip fracture
- Recovering from a hip fracture
- Complications of a hip fracture
- Preventing a hip fracture
If you have a fractured hip, your hip will be painful and you won't be able to lift, move or rotate your leg.
You'll usually be unable to stand or put weight on your leg, although occasionally this is possible.
Other signs of a hip fracture can include:
- bruising and swelling around the hip area
- a shorter leg on the injured side
- your leg turning outwards more on the injured side
If you think you've fractured your hip, you'll need to get to hospital for treatment as soon as possible. Dial 999 for an ambulance and try to keep warm while you wait.
If you have fallen
You may feel shaken or shocked after a fall, but try not to panic. Try to get someone’s attention by:
- calling out for help
- banging on the wall or the floor
- using your aid call button (if you have one)
When someone arrives, ask them to dial 999 for an ambulance. If you're on your own, try to crawl to a telephone to call an ambulance.
If you've had a fall and were able to get up, and you have persistent pain in your hip, don't ignore it. See your GP as soon as possible.
Read more about what to do after a fall.
If you've fallen, you may also have other injuries, such as a knock to the head. If you don't get help immediately, you may also experience:
- hypothermia – when your body temperature drops below 35C (95F) as a result of being in a cold environment
- dehydration – when your body loses more fluid than you take in

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