Breast implants - Warning signs of a ruptured PIP implant
- Introduction
- Why breast implants are used
- Things to consider before getting breast implants
- Types of breast implant
- How breast implant surgery is performed
- Recovering after breast implant surgery
- Risks associated with breast implants
- Introduction
- Warning signs of a ruptured PIP implant
- Removal and replacement of PIP implants
- Frequently asked questions
- PIP implants safety concerns
- Results
PIP implants are two to six times more likely to rupture than other silicone implants.
They also leak tiny amounts of silicone through the shell, called gel bleeds, which can result in similar symptoms to a rupture.
How can you tell if an implant has ruptured?
Most women with a ruptured PIP implant will not notice anything different. This is known as a "silent" rupture.
Some women develop symptoms in and around their breast after implant rupture. The breast may change shape or feel harder or lumpy as the implant deflates and scar tissue forms. Also, the leaked silicone gel can act as an irritant, causing pain and inflammation and swollen glands in the armpit.
Is it dangerous if an implant ruptures?
The prospect of a ruptured implant is alarming, but all the research to date has shown no evidence that a ruptured PIP implant can cause cancer or other lasting health problems.
However, there clearly are unpleasant symptoms associated with implant rupture, including pain, swelling and redness of the breast. It can also be more difficult to remove an implant once it has ruptured.
Spotting signs of implant rupture
If you have any of the following signs of implant rupture discuss them with your GP, who will refer you to a specialist:
- lumpiness or swelling in and around the breast
- change in shape of the breast
- deflation of the breast
- redness
- tenderness of the breast
- pain or sensitivity
What to do if you suspect an implant has ruptured
See your GP to arrange a hospital scan, either by ultrasound or MRI, to confirm whether an implant has ruptured.
Current advice from The Royal College of Radiologists is to start with an ultrasound examination. If this does not show any sign of a rupture but you are still anxious or experiencing symptoms, then you are entitled to an MRI scan, as this is a more sensitive method.
If the scan shows that an implant has ruptured, you should have the burst implant (and any intact implant in the other breast) removed as soon as possible.
Read about PIP implant removal and replacement.

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