Boils - Preventing boils and carbuncles
- Introduction
- Symptoms of boils and carbuncles
- Causes of boils and carbuncles
- Diagnosing boils and carbuncles
- Treating boils and carbuncles
- Complications of boils and carbuncles
- Preventing boils and carbuncles
It's not always possible to prevent getting a boil or carbuncle, but some simple steps can reduce your risk of developing the condition.
These include:
- washing your skin regularly using a mild antibacterial soap
- always carefully cleaning any cuts, wounds or grazes, even if they look very small
- keeping cuts, wounds and grazes covered with a sterile bandage until they heal
- eating a healthy diet and taking regular exercise to boost your immune system – this will make you less likely to develop skin infections, such as boils
For further information and advice regarding diet and exercise, see health and fitness, benefits of exercise, food and diet and a balanced diet.
Preventing your boil or carbuncle from spreading
If you develop a boil or carbuncle, it's important to prevent spreading the infection to other parts of your body or to other people. You can do this by:
- washing your hands with an antibacterial soap after touching a boil or carbuncle
- washing underwear, bed linen and towels at a high temperature
- using a separate facecloth and towel
- keeping any wounds covered with sterile gauze until they heal
- regularly changing the gauze covering a boil or carbuncle
- sealing used gauze or dressings in a plastic bag and throwing it in the dustbin immediately
- avoiding places like saunas, gyms and swimming baths until your skin has healed

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