Bipolar disorder - Causes of bipolar disorder
- Introduction
- Symptoms of bipolar disorder
- Causes of bipolar disorder
- Diagnosing bipolar disorder
- Treating bipolar disorder
- Living with bipolar disorder
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The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown. Experts believe there are a number of factors that work together to make a person more likely to develop the condition.
These are thought to be a complex mix of physical, environmental and social factors.
Chemical imbalance in the brain
Bipolar disorder is widely believed to be the result of chemical imbalances in the brain.
The chemicals responsible for controlling the brain's functions are called neurotransmitters and include noradrenaline, serotonin and dopamine.
If there is an imbalance in the levels of one or more neurotransmitters, a person may develop some symptoms of bipolar disorder.
For example, there is evidence episodes of mania may occur when levels of noradrenaline are too high, and episodes of depression may be the result of noradrenaline levels becoming too low.
It is also thought bipolar disorder is linked to genetics, as the condition seems to run in families. The family members of a person with the condition have an increased risk of developing it themselves.
However, no single gene is responsible for bipolar disorder. Instead, a number of genetic and environmental factors are thought to act as triggers.
A stressful circumstance or situation often triggers the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Examples of stressful triggers include:
- the breakdown of a relationship
- physical, sexual or emotional abuse
- the death of a close family member or loved one
These types of life-altering events can cause episodes of depression at any time in a person's life.
Bipolar disorder may also be triggered by physical illness, sleep disturbances and overwhelming problems in everyday life, such as problems with money, work or relationships.

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