Beta-blockers - Missed or extra doses
- Introduction
- Uses of beta-blockers
- Special considerations
- Side effects of beta-blockers
- Interactions with other medicines
- Missed or extra doses
If you miss or take an extra dose of your beta-blockers, read the patient information leaflet that comes with the medication.
It should include advice about what to do. If you're still unsure, ask your GP or pharmacist.
Missed doses
Most beta-blockers are taken once a day, apart from special beta-blockers that are used during pregnancy and Sotalol, which is given two or three times a day.
If you forget to take a dose of beta-blockers you should:
- take the dose you missed if it's more than eight hours from your next dose
- skip it if it's less than eight hours from your next dose, but make sure you take the next dose
If you're not sure what to do, check the patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine. It should include advice about what to do.
Your GP or pharmacist can also give you further advice.
Extra doses
Contact your GP or call NHS 111 if you accidentally take one or more extra doses of beta-blockers. They'll be able to advise you about what to do.

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