
VET Prescriptions


1. Order your prescription item online through our website Clear Chemist

We strongly advise that you send us an email with a picture of your prescription, so we can check we can dispense the medication.

email the picture of the prescription to


2. Select the option "I have a veterinary prescription"

3. Select your delivery method (There is a delivery charge for vet prescriptions)

See our delivery options:
Delivery Costs | Clear Chemist

4. Post the prescription to our address.

(Your Clear Chemist Order Number)
Clear Chemist - FAO Pharmacy Team

Unit 20  Brookfield Trade Centre
Brookfield Drive
Aintree, L9 7AS


5. When we receive the prescription, it is processed immediately and delievered to you!


If there is an item you require that is not on our website then please contact us on:
T: 0151 203 6535