Hedrin Treat & Go

Hedrin Treat & Go is a very popular product used for treating headlice effectively with minimum discomfort.

It is a fuss-free solution, and when dry it remains on the child's hair while they play, go to school or sleep. Water-based this treatment rinses out of hair easily, without any greasy residue. It requires two applications eight hours or overnight, seven days apart. It is available as a lotion, spray and mousse.

In addition to Hedrin Treat & Go we also stock other Hedrin products such as Hedrin Once, Hedrin 4% Lotion, Hedrin Protect & Go as well as a wide range of other head lice treatments.

For further information please do not hesitate to call us at Clear Chemist on 0151 203 6535 or email us at info@clearchemist.co.uk - one of our pharmacists or doctors will be happy to help advise you.


To view our Hedrin Treat & Go product page follow this link.